Background Check Information

Some agencies may require students to obtain special background checks that could also include fingerprinting, Barrier Crime checks, and/or a medical clearance. It is very important to inquire about these checks and conditions at the time of the interview at the agency. The student is responsible to obtain, provide, and in some cases pay for the information required by the agency. Please initiate the background check as soon as possible, some of the checks can take 4-6 weeks to complete. If a student is held up because of incomplete requirements it may hurt the student's ability to accumulate the required number of practicum hours.

Providence Background Check Instructions

Providence Medical Center goes through the State of Alaska for their background checks. If you are doing your practicum at Providence you need to follow the posted instructions:

Important information about your practicum placement at Providence

Background check instructions for Anchorage students doing their practicum at Providence Medical Center

State of Alaska Disclosure of Personal History & Release of Information Authorization

Student Information Authorization_& Release

Anchorage area fingerprinting agences are posted above; "information about fingerprinting".

Immunization Information

Some agencies may require that you provide proof of immunization. The 新加坡六合彩开奖 Student Health and Counseling Center provides immunization services including titer tests. The link below to the SHCC lists their immunization services. The cost, and results time per selcted titer, and per specific lab, are at the bottom of the link. The top of the page is the current cost per immunization.

新加坡六合彩开奖 Student Health Center Immunization Information

Providence Alaska Medical Center Immunization Document