Gloria Eldridge

Department of Psychology
NSB 221

(907) 786-1623


  • Ph.D., University of Manitoba, 1991

Teaching Responsibilities

  • Substance Abuse Assessment and Treatment
  • Psychological Assessment

Professional & Department Service

  • Coordinator, M.S. in Clinical Psychology
  • 新加坡六合彩开奖 Institutional Review Board
  • 新加坡六合彩开奖 Graduate Council
  • 新加坡六合彩开奖 Responsible Conduct of Research Committee

Research Interests

  • Evidence-based ethics and research with vulnerable populations
  • Evidence-based ethics and research in correctional settings
  • Health promotion research in correctional settings
  • HIV-prevention in corrections and drug treatment settings
  • Qualitative and mixed methods research


Johnson, M. E., Kondo, K., & Eldridge, G. D. (in press). HIV/AIDS research in correctional settings: A difficult task made even harder? Journal of Correctional Health Care.

Johnson, M. E., Brems, C., Hanson, B. L., Corey, S. L. , Eldridge, G. D. & Mitchell, K. (2014). Conducting ethical research with correctional populations: Do researchers and IRB members know the federal guidelines? Research Ethics, 10, 6-16.

Kondo, K. K., Johnson, M. E., Ironside, E.F., Brems, C., & Eldridge, G. D. (2014). HIV/AIDS research in correctional settings: Perspectives on training needs from researchers and IRB members. AIDS Education and Prevention, 26, 565-576.

DePesa, N., Eldridge, G.D., Deavers, F. & Cassisi, J. E. (2014). Predictors of condom use in women receiving court-mandated drug and alcohol treatment: Implications for intervention. AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV. DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2014.967657

Eldridge, G.D., Robinson, R.V., Corey, S., Brems, C., & Johnson, M.E.. (2012). Ethical challenges in conducting HIV/AIDS research in correctional settings.  Journal of Correctional Health Care, 18, 309-318. DOI: 10.1177/1078345812456194.

Eldridge, G., Johnson, M., Corey, S., & Brems, C. (2011). Ethical challenges in conducting psychiatric or mental health research with people who are incarcerated.American Journal of Bioethics, 2, 42-51.

Johnson, A.P., MacGowan, R.J., Eldridge, G.D., Morrow, K.M., Sosman, J., Zack, B., Margolis, A., and The Project START Study Group.(2013). Cost and threshold analysis of an HIV/STI/Hepatitis prevention intervention for young men leaving prison: Project START.AIDS and Behavior, 17, 2676-2684. DOI 10.1007/s10461-011-0096-7.

Sosman, J., MacGowan, R., Margolis, A., Gaydos, C., Eldridge, G., Moss, S., Flanigan, T., Iqbal, K., Belcher, C. for the Project START Biologics Study Group (2010).  Sexually transmitted infections and hepatitis in men with a history of incarceration. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 38, 1-6.

Seal, D.W., Eldridge, G.D., Zack, B., & Sosman, J. (2010).HIV testing and treatment with correctional populations: People, not prisoners.Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 21, 977-985.

Brems, C., Dewane, S., Johnson, M. E., & Eldridge, G. D. (2009). Brief motivational interventions for HIV/STI risk reduction among individuals receiving alcohol detoxification. AIDS Education and Prevention, 21, 397-414.

Eldridge, G.D. & Cropsey, K.L. (2009). Smoking bans and restrictions in the U.S. prisons and jails: consequences for incarcerated women. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 37 (2S), S179-S180. DOI information: 10.1016/j.amepre.2009.05.009.

Cropsey, K.L., Weaver, M.F., Eldridge, G.D., Villalobos, G.C., Best, A.M, Stitzer, M.L. (2009). Differential success rates in racial groups: results of a clinical trial of smoking cessation among female prisoners. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. 11, 690-697. doi:10.1093/ntr/

Grinstead, O, Eldridge, G, MacGowan, R, Morrow KM, Seal, D, Sosman, JM, Zack, B and the Project START Study Group. (2008). An HIV, STD and Hepatitis Prevention Program for Young Men Leaving Prison: Project START. Journal of Correctional Health Care, 14, 183-196.

Cropsey, K.L., Eldridge, G.D., Weaver, M.F., Villalobos, G.C., Stitzer, M.L., Best, A.M. (2008). Smoking cessation intervention for female prisoners: Addressing an urgent public health need.American Journal of Public Health, 98, 1894-1901.

Seal, D.W., Eldridge, G.D., Kacanek, D., Binson, D., MacGowan, R.J., & the Project START Study Group. (2007). A longitudinal, qualitative analysis of the context of substance use and sexual behavior among 18- to 29-year-old men after their release from prison. Social Science & Medicine, 65, 2394-2406.

Kacanek, D., Eldridge, G., Nealey-Moore, J., MacGowan, R., Binson, D., Flanigan, T., Fitzgerald, C., Sosman, J., & The Project START Study Group (2007). HIV testing among young men with a history of incarceration. American Journal of Public Health.

Morrow, K.M., Eldridge, G.D., Nealey-Moore, J., Grinstead, O., & the Project START Study Group (2007). HIV, STD, and hepatitis risk in the week following release from prison: An event level analysis. Journal of Correctional Health Care, 13, 27-38.

Cropsey, K.L., Eldridge, G.D., Weaver, M.F., Villalobos, G.C., & Stitzer, M.L. (2006). Expired carbon monoxide levels in self-reported smokers and non-smokers in prison. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 8, 653-659.

Buck, J.M., Morrow, K..M., Margolis, A., Eldridge, G., Sosman, J., MacGowan, R., Binson, D., Kacanek, D., Flanigan, T.P., & the Project START Study Group (2006). Hepatitis B vaccination in prison: The perspectives of formerly incarcerated men. Journal of Correctional Health Care, 12, 12-23.

Wolitski, R., and the Project START Study Group (2006). Relative efficacy of a multi-session intervention on the sexual risk of young men released from prisons in four US states. American Journal of Public Health, 96, 1854-1861.

MacGowan, R.L., Eldridge, G.D., et al., & the Project START Study Group (2006). HIV counseling and testing of young men in prison. Journal of Correctional Health Care, 12, 1-11.

Sosman, J.M., MacGowan, R.J., Margolis, A.D., Eldridge, G, Flanigan, T., Vardaman, J,. Fitzgerald, C., Kacanek, D., Binson, D., Seal, D.W., and the Project START Study Group. (2006). The feasibility of STD and hepatitis screening among 18-29 year old men recently released from prison. International Journal of STD & AIDS; 16: 117-122.

Seal, D., Belcher, L., Morrow, K., Eldridge, G., Binson, D., Kacanek, D., Margolis, A., McAuliffe, T., Simms, R. & The Project START Study Group (2004). A qualitative study of substance use and sexual behavior among 18- to 29- year old men while incarcerated in the United States. Health Education and Behavior, 31, 775-789.

Cropsey, K.L., & Eldridge, G.D. (2004). The results of a smoking survey among female prisoners: An ignored public health epidemic. Addictive Behaviors, 29, 425-431.


Eldridge, G., & Johnson, M. (2009-2014). Evidence-Based Ethics and Mental health Research with Prisoners. National Institute for Mental Health ($2,784,944).

Eldridge, G., & Johnson, M. (2007-2014). HIV, Drugs, and Prisoners: Barriers to Epidemiologic and Intervention Research. National Institute on Drug Abuse. ($2,961,475).