ࡱ> 9;8#` ""bjbj\.\. .$>D>D    LZ ($hi  O     |_6 : e0      jj Just-in-Time Procedures NIH uses just-in-time procedures for certain programs and award mechanisms. These procedures call for limited information (e.g., a budget justification and a biographical sketch) to be submitted with investigator-initiated applications and allow for a possible NIH request for additional information, including information concerning other support, when the application is under consideration for funding. Just-in-time procedures also allow an applicant to defer certification of IRB approval of the projects proposed use of human subjects, verification of IACUC approval of the projects proposed use of live vertebrate animals, and evidence of compliance with the education in the protection of human research participants requirement until after completion of the peer review and just prior to funding. (Applications in response to RFAs also may be subject to these procedures. The RFA will specify the timing and nature of required submissions.) Information on other support will be requested as part of the just-in-time procedures. IC scientific program and grants management staff will review this information before award to ensure the following: l Sufficient levels of effort are committed to the project. l There is no scientific, budgetary, or commitment overlap. Scientific overlap occurs when (1) substantially the same research is proposed in more than one application or is submitted to two or more funding sources for review and funding consideration or (2) a specific research objective and the research design for accomplishing the objective are the same or closely related in two or more applications or awards, regardless of the funding source. Budgetary overlap occurs when duplicate or equivalent budgetary items (e.g., equipment, salaries) are requested in an application but already are provided by another source. Commitment overlap occurs when an individual s time commitment exceeds 100 percent, whether or not salary support is requested in the application. Overlap6 8 D :<HTVb """νν߬߬߬ߪνߪߦh;U hIhICJOJQJ^JaJ hIhICJOJQJ^JaJ hIhICJOJQJ^JaJ hIhICJOJQJ^JaJhIhI5OJQJ\^J 6 :T """ ^gdI8^8`gdI^`gdIgdI $$@&a$gdI "", whether scientific, budgetary, or commitment of an individual s effort greater than 100 percent, is not permitted. Any overlap will be resolved by the IC with the applicant and the PI at the time of award. l Only funds necessary to the approved project are included in the award. For modular applications, the applicant is not required to submit detailed budget information in the application. In lieu of the standard budget forms, the applicant requests total direct costs for each year of support requested. The request must be accompanied by budget narrative for all personnel (by position, title, and level of effort), including consultants and  to be appointed positions, and, when applicable, for consortium/contractual costs. NIH will request additional budget information in exceptional circumstances only. Other support information will be requested only for modular applications likely to result in an award. ,1h/ =!"#$% @@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH P`"P I Heading 2$$@&a$5OJQJ\^JDA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k@(No List4U`4 I Hyperlink >*ph33RoR Ibullet1^`CJOJQJ^JaJRoR Ibullet28^8`CJOJQJ^JaJ $_ 000000000000_ h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0j0"" "" "" _Toc50448700 _Toc54600057 _Toc413653082 _Toc414436775 _Toc419274816 _Toc428169413 _Toc428944750 _Toc503231450 _Toc28152465  \` 7 333 src`.4<Q1"s<s "t`'U^& 0* d y ' KJ  6 _u V> V k s  A ~m (Gx+-Ee+wvmXzBi8L^mP1|i0!pP 0YlU_k * = mP ^ !?!;" _"5_#o#$s$<%?%+1%h%l%}%&[&)'!(B!)iH*P*K+AL+r^+b-*.9K/0RJ0~%1 2n2y2003p34H5525J5,6 77%737~748!868C@89H969|9<@<<<Z_<l<y<f=Z=}=~=P>(>B2>B>H>j>?)?w^?M@S@AYgAkALB3C)>DleD&vFXGwH)I-I:I=InI9sIJ^J J!ZJ>jJb K9AKLKnK%:L]LuLNvNVO O4;P 5RORnRjST3TaTKU{U?VXDW!.XMXcXw8Y$NZe [QC[\\:]~Q]aU]^uj^ _9_```T`Pa`b`:a-b3Cb]bc!cdwd y ?z@D`59#ghs8IFZmEp9K^davU*:EV 6%;Su: EbPopu+_n,(=99~~"@@JRt ho]KIm~ }v4nRz2A!hUHf n" SR\de3EU#\g==4fdh96?SIX.,4@vF9LJ $q2;tmJ:B HGH2m; - Hb1jqU 92mG@~DZ]hz] Z}\mrs'v1KxRd-qac.ESW3 %]f7%MNcvSxZq6x%}IVz_=N|oJD%`C){QflAIOd^31 /"k=$-M|q/wz) _;` 8fiu)oE);RX [=2GJM?&Z03EOlYso}u0tDqd<3^?I?,M@ BNN d `@` `````<@` UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial;Wingdings"qhdd  $24 2QIX-?IJust-in-Time ProceduresAcademic AffairsAcademic AffairsOh+'0  (4 T ` lxJust-in-Time ProceduresAcademic Affairs Normal.dotAcademic Affairs1Microsoft Office Word@F#@l196@\6 ՜.+,0 hp   ¼ϲʿ  Just-in-Time Procedures Title  !"#$%&')*+,-./1234567:Root Entry F٦_6<Data 1TableWordDocument.$SummaryInformation((DocumentSummaryInformation80CompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q