More Facts About Stalking

by Green & Gold News  |   

Understanding what stalking is and how it occurs can help us recognize and stop the behavior. Here are more facts from the Stalking Prevention, Awareness, & Resource Center (SPARC):

-The majority of college student victims are stalked by someone they know.
-Most stalkers are also students.
-The most common stalkers are former intimate partners (33%), closely followed by someone the victim knows or recognizes but is not a friend (31%), then friends (25%), classmates (18%), and current intimate partners (14%).
-College students at higher risk for experiencing stalking include: women, students of color, sexual minority and gender non-conforming students (LGBTQ+), students with disabilities, students living off campus, younger students.

Report stalking to the Office of Equity and Compliance at 907-786-0818 or As always, in an emergent situation, contact UPD at 907-786-1120 or 911.

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