How to contact legislators

by Michelle Saport  |   

Since the governor vetoed $130,253,000 from UA's budget, we need your help. As encouraged by President Johnsen, it is critical to contact legislators asking for a veto override of the university's budget. The governor's veto will severely disrupt our students' training and education while jeopardizing the economic well-being of Alaska.

The Alaska Legislature is scheduled to meet Wednesday, July 10, at 11:30 a.m. to consider the vetoes. Call or email, share your story and ask legislators to override the governor's vetoes.

The Vote to Override must occur by this Friday, July 12. There's not much time. Don't miss this chance to protect Alaska's future - your quality of life and future!

How to contact legislators:

  • Send a 50-word message using the
  • Send emails using this list:
  • Text Override to 907-268-4905

Download the Veto Override postcard to view contact information for seven key legislators.

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