The Capitol Report 1/26/18: Alaska State Legislature now in session

by Michelle Saport  |   

The Capitol Report - Jan. 26, 2018

Greetings from Juneau and welcome to the 2018 Capitol Report.

Last Tuesday, state lawmakers gaveled-in to begin the second session of the 30th Alaska Legislature. After a record setting 217-day session last year, legislators have a full agenda facing them in the coming months.

Your university team is hard at work in Juneau, and we encourage you to stay engaged as the session continues. In addition to advocating for the Board of Regents FY19 operating budget request, we will be working to reauthorize the Alaska Education Tax Credit, secure funding for deferred maintenance, and show policymakers the value university research adds to Alaska and our economy.

Throughout the session we'll provide you with updates on happenings in Juneau, and keep you informed about what you can do to advocate for our university.

Read the full report at .

, written by Miles Baker, UA Associate Vice President for Government Relations, is designed to keep the University of Alaska community informed about the current legislative session, particularly its impact on the university budget.

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