Spring 2017: Do you have an excess of sick leave hours? Consider donating to Leave Share Program

by Michelle Saport  |   

One of the best things about being a Seawolf is the strong and supportive community to which we belong. By donating your accrued sick leave hours to the , you are providing support to one of our fellow Seawolves at a time when they need it most.

Not familiar with the leave share program? The allows employees to voluntarily transfer hours from their unused sick leave balance to the sick leave balance of an employee with a qualifying medical condition. To be eligible for leave share benefits, an employee must be on an approved Family Medical Leave.

At any given time there are a number of employees who are eligible for, and participating in, the Leave Share Program. This benefit only works when people like you take the time to donate. Donations can be made on behalf of a specific person or to the general population.

Interested in donating? Any regularly benefited employee who accrues sick leave can donate leave (up to 80 hours per pay period). Simply fill out the and submit it to Randi Markussen, benefits specialist (rhmarkussen@alaska.edu). . Please feel free to forward it on to other employees who may be interested in donating leave to others.

If you donate leave and it isn't needed, no leave will be deducted from your sick leave bank and the leave share transfer form will be returned to you.

Please contact your HR consultant or the benefits specialist with any questions or concerns.


  • : Chapter 04.06 - Benefits and Leave
  • UA Benefits web page:
"Spring 2017: Do you have an excess of sick leave hours? Consider donating to Leave Share Program" is licensed under a .
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