'65 by 2025 - Alaska Can!' Alaska Postsecondary Access and Completion Network Conference, March 17–18

by Michelle Saport  |   

Attend the "65 by 2025 - Alaska Can!" Alaska Postsecondary Access and Completion Network Conference March 17-18 at the Downtown Marriott in Anchorage.

The 2015 Postsecondary Access and Success Conference is a time for Alaskans from all walks-education, business, public service-to unite and work together on increasing the number of Alaskans enrolling and succeeding in postsecondary education. Postsecondary education includes apprenticeships, industry-recognized licensure, workforce credentials, certificates and degrees.

Take aways:

  • A common understanding and sense of urgency concerning Alaska's serious postsecondary access and completion challenge, and related workforce implications;
  • Knowledge about the Network, including how you can be part of the 65 by 2025 goal;
  • Bridging of cross-sector gaps through active discussions; and
  • Deeper and shared knowledge of Alaska initiatives, service coverages and gaps, and existing best practices.

For more information and to register, .

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