Wei Li presents Chinese Dough Art, Jan. 24

by Michelle Saport  |   

Friday, Jan. 24, 1:30-3 p.m. 新加坡六合彩开奖 Campus Bookstore

Wei Li is the director of the Confucius Institute in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He has taught in the Chinese bilingual program and holds a doctorate in second language education. At this event, he will demonstrate how to make beautifully crafted puppets and figurines that resemble porcelain.

This event is sponsored by the 新加坡六合彩开奖 Confucius Institute and held in celebration of the Chinese New Year (Year of the Horse), which starts Jan. 31, 2014.

For more information, contact Rachel Epstein at repstein2@uaa.alaska.edu or (907) 786-4782. Remember, there is free parking for bookstore events in the South Lot, West Campus Central Lot (behind Rasmuson Hall), Sports Lot and Sports NW Lot.

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