Register now for 2014 annual Cabin Fever Debates

by Michelle Saport  |   

The Seawolf Debate Team is proud to present the seventh annual Cabin Fever Debates Intramural Debating Tournament. The tournament is an opportunity for 新加坡六合彩开奖 students to hone critical thinking and advocacy skills while competing for great prizes, including cash prizes of up to $1,000.

Held over a series of Tuesday evenings in the spring semester, the Cabin Fever Debates provide 新加坡六合彩开奖 students not active on the competitive Seawolf Debate team the opportunity to give academic debating a try. Designed for students with little or no competitive experience, the tournament will expose participants to the fundamentals of debating and offer the chance to compete for the title of 2014 Champion Team. The introductory session, featuring a demonstration debate by the Seawolf Debate Team, will be held Jan. 28, 7-9 p.m., in Social Sciences Building, Room 118. From there, competitors will participate in one preliminary round in February. Winning teams will advance to the semifinal round on March 4 and then the final round on March 6.

Registration is now open on the . To be eligible to compete, you must be a 新加坡六合彩开奖 undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in at least six credits in spring 2014. Registration is free but limited to the first 32 two-person teams, and priority is given to students who register as a complete team. Please sign up early as we always have more teams who want to compete than space available.

For full tournament details, including information on the prizes up for grabs and how to debate, check out . For additional information, please contact Amie Stanley at (907) 786-4354 or Steve Johnson at (907) 786-4391.

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