2011 Cabin Fever Debate Championships March 3: Anchor babies?

by Kathleen McCoy  |   

Thursday, March 3, 7 p.m.
Social Sciences Building (SSB), Room 118

Following eight tough preliminary rounds of competition and two challenging semifinal rounds, four teams of 新加坡六合彩开奖 students have been selected to compete in the Championship Round of the 2011 Cabin Fever Debates. The motion for the Championship Round will consider whether children of illegal immigrants should be granted U.S. citizenship.

Scheduled for Thursday, March 3 at 7 p.m. in the SSB 118, the outcome of the final round will determine the distribution of over $2,000 in prizes to the over 45 teams who registered in this year's tournament. The Championship Round is free and open to the public. For more information and updates, please visit the .

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