
Training opportunity: Indigenous Approach to Treating Lifetime and Historical Trauma


Campus meal plans available for faculty and staff

This is a reminder that staff and faculty can now purchase meal plans for use on campus, and pay for it with payroll deduction! Unlike student meal plans, these do not expire at the end of each semester, and can be used at all Seawolf Dining locations.

Respond to CoEng survey about studded tire use in Alaska


Internship/independent study opportunity for two students to help develop Municipality of Anchorage Climate Action Plan

Now recruiting two students to work together as a team in Spring 2018 to further develop the Municipality of Anchorage Climate Action Plan and address related goals.

Training opportunities available for prevention of violence against women and men


The Student Health and Counseling Center is offering a free evidence-based program called Bringing in the Bystander. This presentation is geared towards educating and raising awareness on sexual violence prevention issues, by teaching what it means to be a positive bystander. We discuss available resources, work through scenarios, discuss consent, and learn how and when to step in.

Graduate research project seeks student interviewees鈥攑lease share


Help Facilities improve its services by completing a 10-minute survey

As a part of our ongoing efforts to improve service, Facilities & Campus Services is soliciting feedback regarding campus conditions and your general satisfaction with our services, our work order process, and performance.

New hours for walk-in lobby service at the University Center One Stop


Meal plans available for staff and faculty (and you can use payroll deduction)

Did you know Seawolf Dining now offers staff and faculty payroll deductions for campus meal plans? Never go hungry again!

UA Foundation seeks proposals for Harold T. Caven Professorship

The University of Alaska Foundation is seeking proposals for the Harold T. Caven Professorship. Proposals are accepted from University of Alaska business and finance faculty. The professorship is a two-year appointment with a maximum award amount of $20,000, intended to allow the recipient to carry out activities and projects that will enhance business and finance fields at the University of Alaska.

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