
The human services practice requires multicultural understanding and respect of clients through a collaborative relationship founded upon a developmental model. Specific skills courses are combined with practicum and strengthened through conceptual coursework in human services. Practicum placements provide students agency-based learning experiences directly related to the human services profession. Entrance into the human services practicum requires admission to the degree, successful completion of specified courses, and a recommendation by a human services faculty academic advisor.


Program Requirements

  • BHS is Human Services: Practicum I, II, III, and Capstone
  • AAS in Human Services: Practicum I and II


  • Practicum I applications: March 31st
  • Practicum III applications: March 31st


Registration Notice

Registration for practicum is available only to students whose names are submitted by the practicum instructor/coordinator. In order to have their names submitted for registration, students must complete their application in the fall or spring semester prior to enrollment into practicum.


Step-by-Step Application Process
The practicum application requires students to complete several steps before the process is finished.

  • Step 1

    Complete the application

  • Step 2

    Meet with practicum instructor/coordinator

  • Step 3

    Referral process

  • Step 4

    Agency interview

  • Step 5

    Course registration

  • Step 6

    Learning agreement

  View full Step-by-Step Application Process


Practicum Prerequisites
The department follows strict guidelines dictated by the accrediting body for Human Services Programs (). Students must meet ALL prerequisites to be admitted.

Practicum I - HUMS A295A

The student must first be admitted into Human Services Degree Program. The following courses must be completed with a grade of "C" or better:

  • HUMS A155 - Introduction to Field Work and Human Service Practice
  • HUMS A225 - Counseling in Human Service Practice
  • WRTG A111 - Written Communications

Practicum II - HUMS A295B

The following courses must be completed with a grade of "C" or better:

  • HUMS A295A - Human Services Practicum I

Practicum III - HUMS A495

The student must first be admitted into the Bachelor of Human Services Degree Program and in senior standing (90+ credits). Please note that students cannot apply for Practicum III during the same semester they apply for the BHS program. The following courses must be completed with a grade of "C" or better:

  • HUMS A295A - Human Services Practicum I
  • HUMS A295B - Human Services Practicum II
  • HUMS A491 - Qualitative Research in a Multicultural Environment