Sample Resolution

United Nations Security Council

Sponsor: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Third Party Security and Peacekeeping in On-going Conflicts

The United Nations Security Council,

Having studied the concerns of the State of Israel regarding security of the Jordan Valley, including fear of terrorism, arms smuggling and insurgent behaviour,

Noting with regret the inability of the Syria peace talks in Geneva to achieve any meaningful progress in resolving the Syrian crisis,

Alarmed that the Syrian government has continued to target civilians using missiles, artillery, and barrel bombs,

Deploring attacks in the Central African Republic against unarmed civilians, including the deliberate targeting of Muslim children,

Deeply convinced that the international community must intervene when efforts to resolve armed conflicts through diplomatic means have failed,

Recognizing that armed conflict destroys lives, infrastructure, and acts as a barrier to future prosperity for the entire region,

Expressing its appreciation for the willingness of the French Republic to intervene to ensure peaceful resolution to conflicts and the preservation of human rights in Libya and Mali,

  1. Calls upon each member nation of the United Nations Security Council to commit to funding the deployment of up to 1,000 land-based security forces (hereafter, peacekeeping force鈥);
  2. Designates the responsibility of the peacekeeping force to maintain security in densely populated areas, including the protection of air, land, and marine infrastructure, in on-going armed conflicts lasting more than one year;
  3. Endorses the deployment of peacekeeping forces for a minimum period of one month in areas of armed conflict as indicated above at the request of representatives of two or more recognized entities involved in hostilities;
  4. Further endorses the immediate deployment of peacekeeping forces for a minimum period of one month in areas of armed conflict where egregious human rights violations have occurred, including the systematic targeting of unarmed civilians;
  5. Further endorses the immediate deployment of peacekeeping forces for a minimum period of one month in areas of armed conflict where infrastructure necessary to deliver foreign aid or allow refugee exodus has been held by forces refusing to abide by the Geneva conventions;
  6. Declares accordingly that any deployment of peacekeeping forces under this resolution will take place either after a vote according to the procedures of the General Assembly or any if the aforementioned conditions for immediate deployment are met.